Getting your home ready for Halloween!

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We all love to see all the different halloween costume ideas that come around each year, But here are a few things you can do to help the trick-or-treat experience be fun and Spooktacular!


Turn on the light- A front porch light signals to trick-or-treaters that you’re ready for them to knock on the door. If you run out of candy or don’t wish to participate in Halloween, you can let people know by turning off the porch light.

Display holiday decor- A pumpkin here or a floating ghost there lets people know that you’re excited about the holiday.

Clear a path- If you put out Halloween decor, leave a clear path for anyone coming to knock on the front door. Extra personal objects like bikes, potted plants or children’s toys should also be removed from the sidewalk and porch so that no one trips on them.

Sweep the sidewalk-  Fall means leaves on the ground, which fits the season but could be a slipping hazard. Before trick-or-treaters arrive, sweep away any debris or moisture from the sidewalk or driveway.

Check lightbulbs-  Once you flip on the front porch light switch, check to see if you have any burned-out bulbs. Replace them so that your front door and steps are well-lit.

Turn on extra lights- You may not normally turn on every light in the front of your home, but doing so will assist infrequent visitors who are coming to see you. To make their journey a little easier, switch on any additional lights, such as garage or stair lights. This will help make sure that everyone can safely get to the front door.

Put away pets- Your family pet may be the nicest on the block, but not everyone knows that or likes animals. You also don’t want your pet to inadvertently hurt any candy-seeking visitors. Please keep pets inside and away from the door for everyone’s benefit.

Greet guests- If you plan to spend the whole night passing out treats, sit on your front porch swing or create a seating area for yourself. This lets visitors know that you’re ready for them to stop. Plus you can watch the parade of costumes.

Once you have the lights on, decor out and hazards put away, you can enjoy a safe, spooky night in the neighborhood.